Magical Items
Non-Magical Items:
Non-magical items found in the book are going to be assumed to be available from local tradesmen or brought in from Exandria somewhat regularly. This can include mundane items, adventuring gear, non-magical armor or weapons, spell components, etc. Feel free to purchase these items whenever your character is in town.
Magical Items:
Once every few levels a merchant that has some magical items will come to the harbor. The availability and items will be as follows (subject to DM discretion):
Between Levels 3-4: Selling up to common magic items (no tattoos or scrolls).
Between Levels 5-8: Selling up to uncommon magic items (no scrolls).
Between Levels 9-12: Selling up to rare magic items.
Between Levels 13-16: Selling up to very rare magic items.
Between Levels 17-20: Selling up to legendary magic items.
Should you choose to purchase a magic item, please let the group know (out of game).
Magical Item Pricing:
Common/Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare/Legendary (Wondrous Items in each category have a 25% markup):
Single Use: 50gp/100gp/300gp/1,200gp/6,000gp
Limited-Use: 60gp/120gp/360gp/1,440gp/7.200gp
Charged: 70gp/140gp/420gp/1,680gp/8,400gp
Permanent: 80gp/160gp/480gp/1,920gp/9,600gp
Single Use: One use and then the magical item is no longer magical.
Limited-Use: A limited amount of uses and then the magical item is no longer magical.
Charged: A limited amount of uses per short rest, long rest, or day. Or an item that can be reimbued with magic.
Permanent: An item that has a permanent, always active/useable, magical effect.
Banned Items:
Cloak of Displacement
Daern's Instant Fortress
Robe of Useful Items