To begin, the players each roll the d20 die and the player with the highest roll goes first. A tie is resolved by the tying players each repeating the d20 die roll until one player rolls a higher result. Play continues around the table clockwise.
The goal of the game is to have the highest number of points after six rounds of rolling.
On their turn, each player rolls all six dice. After seeing the results the player is allowed to reroll one dice, if they choose, with the exception that Natural 1s on the d20 die cannot be rerolled. The player then chooses the result of one of the dice and writes that number down on their scorecard under "Round 1" in the same row as the type of die it was chosen from. Only one die result can be chosen in each round. Mark the Chosen Die's use in the "Used" column. The player then reviews all six die results to see if any Bonus Points were scored that round. Enter the combined total of all bonuses in the "Bonus Total" column. See below for more detailed information regarding Bonus Points. Then add the Chosen Die result and the Bonus Points total together and enter that number in the "Round Total" column. Next, add the "Round Total" to any previous Round Totals and enter that number in the "Grand Total" column. The player then passes the dice to the next player for their turn. Play proceeds around the table until all of the players have completed their Round 1 rolls. In each consecutive round, each player continues similarly to the first round except that die results cannot be chosen from a die that has already been used. Play continues until all players have completed all six rounds of rolling. Each player should have chosen one roll result from each of the six different dice over these six rounds. At the end of the sixth round, after all scores have been tallied and shared, each player rolls a d20 for their Advantage Roll beginning with the player with the lowest Grand Total to the player with the highest Grand Total (the Natural 20 & Natural 1 bonus rules apply to this roll). This result is added to their Grand Total to determine their Final Total (a Natural 1 roll on the Advantage Roll is counted as a "0" towards the Grand Total). The player with the highest score wins the game.
See the following win scenarios for longer sessions of play:
A running total of a player’s games can be tracked over multiple games until a larger predetermined score is reached.
A running total of a player’s games can be tracked over multiple games until a predetermined number of games have been played.
Bonus Points may be earned for specific dice roll combinations (see the “Points” card). A die result may be used for multiple Bonus Point combinations in one round. For example, if a player rolls the result of 1 through 5 with an additional 4 on the sixth die, they would receive the 15 points from the “straight” as well as the 2 points for “two dice of the same number” for a total of 17 Bonus Points in that round.
This style of play allows for games that only require a single roll per player.
On their turn, each player rolls all six dice. That player can then choose any number of dice to reroll from the result if they wish (from no dice to all of them). Once complete, the player adds up the results of all 6 dice + any bonus points that may have been scored for their total. The player with the largest total result wins.
The game can be lengthened to include multiple rolls where scores are tallied until a determined threshold is met or a set number of rounds is met.
Tankards Dice Score & Point Cards